Online Colorscheme Configurator for i3, i3status, dmenu

I'm writing a book through O'Reilly called “Distributed Systems with Node.js” that should be published in December 2020. Click here to get more information or to sign up for an announcement.

This is a crude webapp for generating configuration files for theming i3, i3status, and dmenu. Change any of the inputs and you'll be greeted with a UI tool to select a color. Copy and paste colors between fields to make them consistent.

Online Colorscheme Configurator for i3, i3status, dmenu

As you make changes the mocked-up UI and the configuration output will change. Once you're satisfied you can copy the configuration into your local config files.

i3, i3status, dmenu configurator
i3, i3status, dmenu configurator

Tags: #linux
Thomas Hunter II Avatar

Thomas has contributed to dozens of enterprise Node.js services and has worked for a company dedicated to securing Node.js. He has spoken at several conferences on Node.js and JavaScript, is currently writing Distributed Systems with Node.js through O'Reilly, and is an organizer of NodeSchool SF.