
Logging, Metrics, and Tracing with Node.js

Thomas Hunter II

Adapted from Distributed Systems with Node.js:


The console.log() of the cloud

What is Logging?

  • A way to extract granular state from a program
  • Often well-structured JSON data instead of free text
  • Logs often have associated severity levels
    • error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug, silly
  • Severity allows filtering, e.g. ignore debug in prod
  • Logs can written to stdout, file system, network
  • winston is a popular npm package for logging

Winston Example

import winston from 'winston';
export default winston.createLogger({
  level: 'info',
  format: winston.format.json(),
  defaultMeta: { env: process.env.NODE_ENV,
                 app: 'profile-service' },
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.File({
      filename: '/var/log/nodeapp.log'
    new winston.transports.Console()

Common Logging Conventions

  • Global logger, and request-specific logger
  • A Request UUID can associate related logs
import Logger from '../logger.mjs';

server.addHook('onRequest', async (req) => {
  const request_id = crypto.randomUUID();
  req.logger = Logger.child({ request_id });

  const { url, method } = req.context.config;
  req.logger.info('on_request', { url, method });

Example contextual log

  • Help the code archaeologist diagnose a bug
try {
  await database.save(record);
} catch (err) {
  req.logger.error('db_persist_error', {
    error: err.message,
    stack: err.stack,
    id: record.id
  return reply.code(500).send('unable to save');

Logging Solutions

What do logs look like?

message:"handled request" AND status_code>=500


Aggregate, numeric data

What are Metrics?

  • Numeric, time-series data, to understand app health
  • Metrics usually have a name and sometimes tags
  • Real world info that benchmarks can't tell you
  • Request throughput, request timing, memory usage
  • Response status codes, endpoint popularity
  • Money spent, user churn, ad clicks
  • Metrics are usually cheaper than logs

Example Code

import StatsD from 'statsd-client';
const statsd = new StatsD({ prefix: 'myapp.' });

server.addHook('onResponse', async (req, reply) => {
  statsd.increment('request.status.' +
  statsd.increment('request.method.' +

Metrics Solutions

What do Metrics look like?

aliasByNode(myapp.request.status.*, 4)

Distributed Tracing

Inter-Service Communication

What is Distributed Tracing?

  • Associates related requests across services
  • Generate and pass around a Request UUID
  • Span IDs are generated for req/res pairs
  • These IDs are passed around as HTTP headers
  • Info is sent to a central management service
  • Allows request hierarchy to be visualized
  • Which service was slow/failed for given request
  • Bonus: Attach Request UUID to request logger

Example Tracing Implementation

import Zipkin from 'zipkin-lite';
import fastify from 'fastify';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const zipkin = new Zipkin({
  zipkinHost: 'localhost:9411',
  serviceName: 'shallow-api',
  servicePort: 80,
  serviceIp: '',
const server = fastify();

server.addHook('onRequest', zipkin.onRequest());
server.addHook('onResponse', zipkin.onResponse()); 

Example Tracing Implementation

server.get('/widgets/:id', async (req, reply) => {
  console.log('REQUEST ID:', req.zipkin.trace);

  // ...
  const zreq = req.zipkin.prepare();
  const url = 'http://example.org/foo/42';
  const result = await fetch(url, {
    headers: zreq.headers });
  zreq.complete('GET', url);
  // ...

  return result.text();

Tracing Solutions

What does Tracing look like?

Zipkin looks like a hierarchy

What does Tracing look like?

Datadog APM looks like a perf timeline

Logging, Metrics, and Tracing with Node.js