Settling In to a New Mac
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This is a rather chaotic list of all of the things I do to a new OS X installation to make it home. It isn't entirely comprehensive; but it does highlight most of the important things. This list is catered for users who do web development and are pretty used to Linux environments.
- PC Keyboard Hack
- Google Chrome
- Alfred App (Launcher)
- Xcode
- Colloquy
- Adium
- MacVim
- GeekTool
- GitX-L
- iTerm 2
- Sequel Pro
- VirtualBox
- Vox
Turn the Caps Lock key into escape
- PC Keyboard Hack – Caps Lock to 53
- Keyboard Preferences – Modifier Keys – Caps Lock = No Action
Use Alfred as the default app launcher
- Spotlight Preferences – Disable Keys
- Alfred Preferences – Set to Cmd Space
- Hide Alfred Hat
- Disable Spotlight icon with:
sudo chmod 600 /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Search
killall SystemUIServer
Configure Finder
- Hide “All My Files”
- Show Filename Extensions
- Disable Extension Change Warning
- Preferences | General | Sidebar Icon Size = Small
- Create ~/Applications
- Create ~/bin, chflags hidden ~/bin
- Display Full Path in Finder Title:
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
killall Finder
Command Line Awesomeness
- Install the Command Line Tools within Xcode
- Install homebrew
brew install tmux ack node mongodb sshfs
- copy mvim which came with MacVim into
- Add
variable - Configure VIM Settings from GitHub
- Copy previous